Computer Organization CH1 Abstraction

computer organization CH1 Abstraction

1.1 intro

classes of computer

  • Personal
  • Embedded
  • Server
  • Supercomputers

why will you learned?

  • the hardware/software interface

understanding performance I

  • depends on effectiveness of tha algorithm
  • the software systems used to create and translate the program into machine inst.

1.5 Technologies for building processors and memory

wafer of intel core processor

Integrated Circuit cost

  • wafer cost and area are fixed

1.6 performance

performance goal

  • response time
    • execute time
  • Throughput (or bandwith)

relative performance

what is performance?

  • performanc =

X is n time faster than Y

  • =


Elapsed time

  • total response time
    • CPU, processing, I/O, OS overhead, idle time
  • measured by clock time

CPU time

  • only for cpu

CPU clock

  • cpu has a constant clock that determines when events take place
    • the discrete time interval called clock cycle
  • length of a clock period
    • time for a complete clock cycle
    • clock rate(frequency), inverse of the clock period
  • hardware designer must often trade off clock rate against cycle count


CPU time and Inst. count

  • inst. count
    • determined by ISA
  • cycles per instruction(CPI)
    • betermined by CPU hardware
    • diff. inst. have diff. CPI
    • average CPI affected by instruction mix


more about performanc equation

  • in particular, program would contain diff. classes of inst.(inst. mix)
  • Equation
  • Ex.

measuring computer performanc

  • time is the only complete and relialbe measure

many factors

  • algorithm
    • IC, CPI
  • Programming
    • IC, CPI
  • compiler
    • IC, CPI
  • ISA
    • IC, CPI, clock rate

1.8 The Sea Change: The Switch to Multiprocessors

power limit

  • how to reduce voltage and remove haet
    • power =
  • force a dramatic change in the design of microprocessors

Switch from uni… to multiprocessors

  • require explicitly parallel pregramming
  • before is inst. level oarallelism

1.9 Real Stuff: Benchmarking the Intel Core i7

Benchmark a computer

  • used to evaluate the performance of a new computer
    • the set of programs would form a workload
  • SPEC
    • develop benchmark for cpu, I/O, web, etc
    • spec ratio =

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